
The Problems of Working Women

Women are paid less because employer has this preset concept that she will quit the job after marriage or after having children. Women earn low also because they have to choose a less challenging job for themselves so they can spend more time at home. Parenthood affects the woman's career adversely in contrast to men.

The organization should offer some family-friendlier policy and also make sure equal wages should be given to the employees without gender discrimination. Remaining silent on such act means that we are silently supporting this crime.

Women earn low also because they have to choose a less challenging job for themselves so they can spend more time at home. Parenthood affects the woman's career adversely in contrast to men.

The organization should offer some family-friendlier policy and also make sure equal wages should be given to the employees without gender discrimination. Remaining silent on such act means that we are silently supporting this crime.

Married Working Women:

Most of the married women are not allowed to do a job and also, it becomes difficult for them to maintain work and household chores equilibrium because of increased responsibility. Traditionally, men are the bread earners of the house and it is not appreciable if women support the family financially or if women earn more than men.

Married working women also face problems at work. It is not possible for them to work in late hours. Most of the workplaces do not have nurseries or daycare where mothers can keep their children.

Negative attitudes of male co-workers:

Attitude of male co-workers is sometimes really humiliating and biased. It is considered that women are hired just to add colour to the office environment. Lack of workplace social support, from colleagues and supervisors leads to absenteeism, low turnover and job dissatisfaction. Higher authorities should try to establish a supportive and conducive work environment. 


The transport system in our country is very poor. This is a big hindrance for the women who have to go out for a job. Men and women both have to face this problem. Despite the inadequate availability of the public transport, women also have to face harassment. They are bound to travel on buses and vans because taxis are expensive.

The government should address this problem on priority basis. Separate public transport can solve this issue.

What they need to do?

To face challenges successfully, women need to be self-confident and should keep herself up to date with the latest happenings in the world of technology. The internet has now solved the problem of limited opportunities, as every internet savvy person can access to the world of knowledge and information. So women should keep surfing the internet to increase their knowledge. Good communication skill is also a necessity; it helps in building social network which in turn helps in appraising whenever there are new opportunities available. Meeting deadlines is also important to prove yourself worthy. Another most important thing is to maintain balance in work and personal life.

Also there is a need to educate men and tell them to respect other women like they respect women in their family. They should show flexibility in their attitude and should accept that women can perform even better than them.



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